tshad said:
I assume you mean to right-click the domain in the left pane to get
the tabs.
I also see a Forwarders document in the right pane that I can right
You can double click this icon.
Forwarders are optional in most case, DNS will use its Root Hints to resolve
internet names. Forwarders should only be used if the DNS you are forwarding
to can be trusted. If you cannot trust it don't use it, when DNS uses Root
Hints, it should only get its answers from authoritative servers.
I am using XP to administer the DNS and found an irritating problem
and was wondering if you know what is causing it.
If I right-click the domain or forwarders tab it freezes the MMC for
about 30 seconds before coming back with the tabbed windows. But if
I open the Task Manager is shows the performance as pegged at 100%.
Unfortunately, this seems to be the norm using the remote admin tools on XP,
mine does the same,
Best regards,
Kevin D. Goodknecht Sr. [MVP]
Hope This Helps
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