I have a very weird problem
I have 2 NIC. One for our Lan: 192.168.100.x an
one for our Internet Connection: 192.168.1.
We are running AD. WIth the INet connection turn off, DNS runs just fine. It forwards all requests not for the local network to the ISP DNS server.
With the connection turned on our DNS times out when looking for a address outside of our network
I can see that the request are going to both network cards. I have set DNS to only listen on the 100.x address
Disabled the external card from registering into DNS, though it still does this
NSlookup times out as well unless I use the parameter -timeout=10. Anything shorter won't work
Binding is set for Internal then External
Any help will be much appreciated
I have 2 NIC. One for our Lan: 192.168.100.x an
one for our Internet Connection: 192.168.1.
We are running AD. WIth the INet connection turn off, DNS runs just fine. It forwards all requests not for the local network to the ISP DNS server.
With the connection turned on our DNS times out when looking for a address outside of our network
I can see that the request are going to both network cards. I have set DNS to only listen on the 100.x address
Disabled the external card from registering into DNS, though it still does this
NSlookup times out as well unless I use the parameter -timeout=10. Anything shorter won't work
Binding is set for Internal then External
Any help will be much appreciated