We have 4 Domain Controllers in a Active Directory domain environment. One Primary DNS and 3 Secondary. Our internal domain mycompany.com is the same as our external web domain www.mycompany.com which is hosted by another provider. We have been able to access this external website using www.mycompany.com for a while now, but all of a sudden once all locations are now on the internal domain, we can't access it. The external website has dynamic ip addresses for load balancing so we are unable to hard code the ip address. I removed our ISP dns servers from our DHCP handout and created a forwarder on our DNS servers to the DNS of our external ISP. Besides renaming our internal domain how can we still achieve this and connect again to the www.mycompany.com website? I have read through tons of posts regarding this issue, but can't seem to find the definitive answer. Any help is greatly appreciated. We have temporarily switched to a non-domain DNS server but it creates some internal dns issues. Thanks. Robbie