DNS Errors

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I just setup a Win2k DNS server. I can get to the internet from my clients
just fine, but we are having several problems on the network that did NOT
exist when I had NT4.0 DNS in place. My DHCP server serves out 1 address for
DNS, the address of the Win2k server. ipconfig /all on the clients having
problems show the DNS server as the Win2k box.

1. The Win2k server is getting an error that it has packets addressed to
itself. I read that setting up a forwarder would stop this message. I did
that and the message still persists.

2. My Win2k clients can't access shared printers. The system just hangs and
the printers stop responding. Printers work fine on WinXP Pro clients and
Win98 clients.

3. Some WinXP clients take 8-10 minutes to login to the network. They just
sit at the screen that says Applying Computer Settings. There's maybe 5
machines out of 70 with this problem. The error in the event log is RPC
Server Unavailable.

From the information I've gathered on the internet, all these problems are
related to a bad DNS config, only I don't know what I did wrong with the DNS

Any and all advice is appreciated.
Anna said:
I just setup a Win2k DNS server. I can get to the
internet from my clients just fine, but we are having
several problems on the network that did NOT exist when I
had NT4.0 DNS in place. My DHCP server serves out 1
address for DNS, the address of the Win2k server.
ipconfig /all on the clients having problems show the DNS
server as the Win2k box.

1. The Win2k server is getting an error that it has
packets addressed to itself. I read that setting up a
forwarder would stop this message. I did that and the
message still persists.

Not likely that setting a forwarder will stop these events, if it is
forwarding to itself it will cause the events.

What are the forwarders listed?
Does it have itself listed on the Root Hints?
Are there any delegated subdomains on this server?
Does this server send zone transfers to any secondary DNS servers?

2. My Win2k clients can't access shared printers. The
system just hangs and the printers stop responding.
Printers work fine on WinXP Pro clients and Win98 clients.

Are you using FQDN for shares or NetBIOS names?
3. Some WinXP clients take 8-10 minutes to login to the
network. They just sit at the screen that says Applying
Computer Settings. There's maybe 5 machines out of 70
with this problem. The error in the event log is RPC
Server Unavailable.

Are all clients using the DCs address for DNS?
From the information I've gathered on the internet, all
these problems are related to a bad DNS config, only I
don't know what I did wrong with the DNS setup.

Can you post the ipconfig /all for the DC?
Also post list of Forward Lookup Zones in DNS.
Also post AD Domain name from ADUC.
Kevin D. Goodknecht Sr. said:

Not likely that setting a forwarder will stop these events, if it is
forwarding to itself it will cause the events.

What are the forwarders listed?
Forwarder listed is our ISP DNS
Does it have itself listed on the Root Hints?
Are there any delegated subdomains on this server? No.

Does this server send zone transfers to any secondary DNS servers? No.

Are you using FQDN for shares or NetBIOS names?
We're using NetBIOS names. How would I share them using FQDN?
Are all clients using the DCs address for DNS?
Yes, all the clients are using the DCs address for DNS.
Can you post the ipconfig /all for the DC?
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator>ipconfig /all

Windows 2000 IP Configuration

Host Name . . . . . . . . . . . . : lderry
Primary DNS Suffix . . . . . . . : pruverani.com
Node Type . . . . . . . . . . . . : Broadcast
IP Routing Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
WINS Proxy Enabled. . . . . . . . : No
DNS Suffix Search List. . . . . . : pruverani.com

Ethernet adapter Intel Fast Ethernet LAN Controller - onboard:

Connection-specific DNS Suffix . :
Description . . . . . . . . . . . : Intel 8255x-based P
er (10/100)
Physical Address. . . . . . . . . :
DHCP Enabled. . . . . . . . . . . : No
IP Address. . . . . . . . . . . . :
Subnet Mask . . . . . . . . . . . :
Default Gateway . . . . . . . . . :
DNS Servers . . . . . . . . . . . :

How would I share them using

Connect to the share by using \\machinename.pruverani.com\sharename if the
machines are register in DNS this is by far more reliable than using machine
name only. To make it easier to connect to shares using FQDN publish the
shares in Active Directory using ADUC. Printers shared from Win2k, WinXP or
Win2k3 can be automatically published in Active Directory on the Sharing Tab
of Printer properties.
Shared folders can be published from ADUC, open the container you want the
share found in, right click, select New Shared folder from the popup menu.
Type in a name for the the share to be published under and the FQDN of the
machine with the sharename (\\server.domain.com\share)

Verify the correct DNS on these machines.