nadeem said:
I want to edit My root hints and forwader configuration in
my root DNS server with AD on it.
Why would you need to edit your Root Hints? 99.9% of the time we leave them
To configure a forwarder, rt-click your DNS properties, Forwarder tab.
If you are saying the forwarding option is grayed out, delete the Root zone
under you forward lookup zone by highlighting the Root zone, (looks like a
period - ","), and hit the delete key, then refresh DNS and try it again.
If you are not sure how to delete the Root zone in order to configure a
forwarder, please see this article, it shows you exactly how to do this:
Let's not edit the Root hints at this time, until you take care of the
above, unless you have a specific reason for it and would like to share
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
Microsoft Windows MVP - Active Directory
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