DNS Configuration

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Hi All,
I have 3 domains, 2 win2k domains and 1 NT4 domain.
The win2k domains all have its own dns servers. The NT4 domain uses our
external dns (ISP).
All 3 domains have their own internal clients
What would be the best dns setup for the internal clients in all three
domains so each client can communicate and map drives irrespective of the
Bidirectional trust exist among all 3 domains
Assuming the two Win2K domains are independent, then you
can't use AD replication to sync them up. You can either use
cross-delegations or standard secondary zones to make sure
that both Win2K DNS servers hold a full copy of both domain's
zone data.

With Win2K out of the way, you then need to address the NT
members. These should simply point to one or the other or
both of the Win2K DNS servers.

You can name your ISP's DNSen as outside forwarders in the
Win2K boxes. Regardless, the NT members need to resolve
locally, not directly to the outside.

Steve Duff, MCSE
Ergodic Systems, Inc.
Given the diveristy of your setup, WINS would probably be a better sollution. The NT4 domain will rely on Netios name
resolution in order to find resources. If you configured a WINS server in each domain, point all members of each domain to their
local WINS server and then configure the WINS servers to replicate, name resolution would be taken care of. If the NT4 domain
is going to go away anytime soon, you will need DNS name resolution. Your best bet would be to configure secondaries of
each DNS domain on each other domains DNS servers. If host name resolution is required, you may have to add DNS suffix
search lists to the clients so they can find hosts in other domains. WINS is a flat name space and doesn't require a search list.

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support

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