DNS cache time

  • Thread starter Thread starter Brent
  • Start date Start date


How long does the client systems keep the DNS cache? We had an issue were
we changed the IP address of a DNS entry (on a DNS server that is inside our
network and not accessible to the public) and the client systems continued
to us the old IP address.

I think I may have found the answer.

When selecting the zone properties of the domain under the Start of
Authority (SOA) tab there are two TTL settings. The Minimum TTL and TTL for
this record. They are both set to 0:1:0:0 (1 hour or 60 min.) so the
clients would cache the address for 60 min. and then let it go. So if we
wanted the time to be less the 60 min. we would change just the TTL for the
record or both of the settings?
The client will cache the record for the remaining time of the TTL for the record. This is typically governed by the TTL for the
SOA but records can have individual TTLs as well.

Thank you,
Mike Johnston
Microsoft Network Support

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