tobyw said:
Can anyone the DR scenarios for name resolution under Windows 2000 SP4
using Primary/secondary dns zones (non AD integrated).
1.If a Primary zone fails on a DNS server can DNS Clients resolve
FQDN's for this zone using their Secondary DNS entry automatically or
will this fail to resolve ?
2. If a DNS server fails which holds the primary zone, can DNS clients
resolve FQDN's for this zone using secondary DNS entry automatically
or will this fail to resolve ?
Is there any white papers on this resolution process as several
articles seem to contradict each other.
If there are multiple DNS entries in the IP properties of a machine (whether
a DC, member server or client), it will ask the first DNS entry in the list
first. If it doesn't have the answer, it will go to the second entry, but it
REMOVES the first entry from the "eligible resolvers" list, and won't go
back to it unless you restart the DHCP Client service, restart the machine,
or set a reg entry to force the timeout to 0.
286834 - DNS Client Service Doesn't Revert to Using First Server in List
[explained in the DNS white papers] reg to alter it too (check the link
withing this article for specific time out and other details):;en-us;286834
261968 - Explanation of the Server List Management Feature in the Domain
Name Resolver Client:
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Ace Fekay, MCSE 2003 & 2000, MCSA 2003 & 2000, MCSE+I, MCT, MVP
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