I´m guessing that you want and alternate configuration for the tcp/ip setting
in your machine.
4 normal way to do this.
Automatic by Apipa. This implies to use this segment in one of the networks.
Dinamic by Dhcp.
Alternate configuration. Explained below
Manually. Change each time by hand.
You can use this :
The general idea is to have dhcp configuration and in absence of it the
machine choose tha alternate configuration.
Other way could be to have another network card in the machine. and disabled
each card as you use.
and finally a regedit solution. Just an idea.
use run, regedit a go to
There is a list of interfaces choose the one that match your current
configuration. The description is not very clear. Select it.
Use File, export or right clik export to have the configuration exported to
a file (say gateway.reg). The extension is important.
iif you open the file gateway.reg file with the following content:
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
as you see the "name server" the dns names ip´s is easy to change.
not as easy with the gateway is in hex format. but this can be solved.
setting it in the card normally and the use the regedit to export it.
you need to repair the card see the change in the details tab of the card.
Two lasts things:
One:tcp/ip evaluates dns in order if the first one fails pass to the second
and so on. So I think you dont need. to change this. Only takes one moment
Two: Read about IRDP protocol. I dont known if applies to xp but could be
another solution.