dnot mtater?

Apr 19, 2005
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It dnot mtater wihch way you tpye you wlil siltl raed wtihuot a porbelm as long as the frist and lsat lteetr are in the crorcet palce
All I can say is the spelling ability here is going downhill fast ;)
I read that also....

Cambridge Uni Scientists found that aslong as the first and last letters were correct aswell as the number of letters. One would read it fine, its due to perception. Your mind sees what it expects.
JaLing said:
I read that also....

Cambridge Uni Scientists found that aslong as the first and last letters were correct aswell as the number of letters. One would read it fine, its due to perception. Your mind sees what it expects.

Crorcet gvie the man a mdeal:D
Indeed - I wonder what Cambridge University would say about that :D