DMA Mode for DVD Devices

  • Thread starter Thread starter APawlik
  • Start date Start date


How to get DMA mode for DVD drives ?

BIOS settings, for both the DVD-Writer and the DVD-ROM, are
Ultra DMA mode = 2
PIO mode = 4

In the device manager, the settings for both devices are
Transfer Mode 'DMA if available', but
Current Transfer Mode 'PIO Mode'.

Hints much appreciated.

Config: Win2000 Pro SP4
P4 2.4, 1 GB RAM
DVD-Writer: LG GSA-4160B
DVD-ROM: Toshiba SD-M1612
Both devices on the secondary IDE channel with the
DVD-ROM as master and the writer as slave.

Thank you for listening
Instead of posting the same question over and over, I suggest you read
the replies to your earlier posts.
Bob said:
Instead of posting the same question over and over, I suggest you read
the replies to your earlier posts.

He is probably one of those newsgroup newbies who expects
e-mailed replies. He might very well not be checking back here
for replies and hence has missed them all - including yours.
I posted this question once, in m.p.w.general, and had zero
replies. I shrewdly concluded it was not the appropriate group
so I posted a second time here. They call that 'over and over' ?

Thank you anyway, I will check if there's a problem with
my newsreader.
