access 2003
main form is f040ProjectMain (PK ProjectID)
t51KeyMilestones(PK KeyMilestonesID FK ProjectID)
t51KeyMilestones.ProjectID can have many KeyMilestoneSubID
I would like a textbox on my f040ProjectMain(form) to contain a dlookup of
the first record in t51KeyMilestones(table) where t51KeyMilestones ProjectID
= f040ProjectMain ProjectID and t51KeyMilestones KeyMilestoneSubID =12
main form is f040ProjectMain (PK ProjectID)
t51KeyMilestones(PK KeyMilestonesID FK ProjectID)
t51KeyMilestones.ProjectID can have many KeyMilestoneSubID
I would like a textbox on my f040ProjectMain(form) to contain a dlookup of
the first record in t51KeyMilestones(table) where t51KeyMilestones ProjectID
= f040ProjectMain ProjectID and t51KeyMilestones KeyMilestoneSubID =12