I have to create a lookup that will come back with the following Form & Color values:
Subj CRS Form Color
ENG 1 Pink
ENG 265 4 Pink
ENG 266 4 Pink
WR 2 Yellow
WR 320 3 Yellow
WR 321 3 Yellow
FLR 1 Lavender
All English courses use pink paper. All English courses except 265 & 266 use form #1. English 265 & 266 use form 4. All Writing courses use yellow paper. All Writing courses except for 320 & 321 use form 2. WR 320 & 321 use form 3. All FLR use form 1 & Lavender paper.
CRS numbers for each of ENG, WR, & FLR can run from 100 to 699. I'd prefer to not have to create a table with 1800 records in it (600 for each possible course number for each subject area). How can I get a query to give me the color & form number for the courses that show up in my "course" query without filling in all the course numbers?
Subj CRS Form Color
ENG 1 Pink
ENG 265 4 Pink
ENG 266 4 Pink
WR 2 Yellow
WR 320 3 Yellow
WR 321 3 Yellow
FLR 1 Lavender
All English courses use pink paper. All English courses except 265 & 266 use form #1. English 265 & 266 use form 4. All Writing courses use yellow paper. All Writing courses except for 320 & 321 use form 2. WR 320 & 321 use form 3. All FLR use form 1 & Lavender paper.
CRS numbers for each of ENG, WR, & FLR can run from 100 to 699. I'd prefer to not have to create a table with 1800 records in it (600 for each possible course number for each subject area). How can I get a query to give me the color & form number for the courses that show up in my "course" query without filling in all the course numbers?