I'm had a DLookUp working on a report, but also need it to return a value of
zero if there is no info to return. Here is the code that worked before I
put the Nz( ) in.
[InvQty] is a number. Everything else is text. Pls help....
=Nz(DLookUp("[InvQty]","[PurchA]","[InventoryPN]= [PN] And
[InventoryLocation]= 'F Stor' "))
zero if there is no info to return. Here is the code that worked before I
put the Nz( ) in.
[InvQty] is a number. Everything else is text. Pls help....
=Nz(DLookUp("[InvQty]","[PurchA]","[InventoryPN]= [PN] And
[InventoryLocation]= 'F Stor' "))