Dlookup Question/Problem



Can anyone please see a fault with this line..
stCriteria = "ProductCode=" & Me!ProductCode
Me!QualityCode = DLookup(QualityCode, [dbo_DProduct], stCriteria)

The error im getting is "cannot find the "|" Field Reffered to in the


John Vinson

Can anyone please see a fault with this line..
stCriteria = "ProductCode=" & Me!ProductCode
Me!QualityCode = DLookup(QualityCode, [dbo_DProduct], stCriteria)

The error im getting is "cannot find the "|" Field Reffered to in the


Just in addition to Tom's suggestions - if ProductCode is a Text type
field than the stCriteria must include the syntactically required
quotemark delimiters:

stCriteria = "ProductCode = '" & Me.ProductCode & "'"

Also, the first and second arguments to DLookUp must be text strings
containing the name of a field and a table/query - you're not passing
text strings, you're passing the actual value of the field! Try

DLookUp("QualityCode", "dbo_DProduct", stCriteria)

John W. Vinson[MVP]


Thanks for the replys,
Using the code you have suggested stops the previous error but its throwing
a new one out, Data Mistmatch in Expression, im pretty sure this is due to a
field having different data type but they are all set as text...


John Vinson said:
Can anyone please see a fault with this line..
stCriteria = "ProductCode=" & Me!ProductCode
Me!QualityCode = DLookup(QualityCode, [dbo_DProduct], stCriteria)

The error im getting is "cannot find the "|" Field Reffered to in the


Just in addition to Tom's suggestions - if ProductCode is a Text type
field than the stCriteria must include the syntactically required
quotemark delimiters:

stCriteria = "ProductCode = '" & Me.ProductCode & "'"

Also, the first and second arguments to DLookUp must be text strings
containing the name of a field and a table/query - you're not passing
text strings, you're passing the actual value of the field! Try

DLookUp("QualityCode", "dbo_DProduct", stCriteria)

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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