Good Day everyone.
I have a table "tblFiscalYear" that I am trying to creat a
look up on. It contains, [Period], [Start Date], [End
Date], [Fiscal Year].
I have a report that has a field [DateCreated] in which I
want to look up the date in the Fiscal Year table and
bring Back the [Period], this is what I have so far,
=Between ?????????
This is where I need the help!! How do I finish the
Thank you.
I have a table "tblFiscalYear" that I am trying to creat a
look up on. It contains, [Period], [Start Date], [End
Date], [Fiscal Year].
I have a report that has a field [DateCreated] in which I
want to look up the date in the Fiscal Year table and
bring Back the [Period], this is what I have so far,
=Between ?????????
This is where I need the help!! How do I finish the
Thank you.