I have a dlookup function which displays the value from an attached table
based on the value entered in a combo box on a form. The user selects a
dealer code and I want the dealer name to appear below as confirmation (the
dealer name is in the combo box but obviously you can not see this when the
box is closed after you exit the field).
Until the record is saved though this will not work and #error appears in
the field. I can not save the record first as they are all unbound text boxes
which are saved to a table via code. Does anyone know a way round this
please? I want it to display just as a check that the right dealer code was
selected on the initial data entry.
based on the value entered in a combo box on a form. The user selects a
dealer code and I want the dealer name to appear below as confirmation (the
dealer name is in the combo box but obviously you can not see this when the
box is closed after you exit the field).
Until the record is saved though this will not work and #error appears in
the field. I can not save the record first as they are all unbound text boxes
which are saved to a table via code. Does anyone know a way round this
please? I want it to display just as a check that the right dealer code was
selected on the initial data entry.