I am getting the following error:
Run-time error '64479':
The expression you entered as a query parameter produced
this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation
object 'TEST."
For the following function:
If Me.txtPassword = DLookup
("[Password]", "tblUsers", "[UserID]=" & Me.cboUserID) Then
strCommercialID = Me.cboCommercialID
All fields are text. I think I am missing single quotes
somewhere but can't quite figure out where and how.
Run-time error '64479':
The expression you entered as a query parameter produced
this error: 'The object doesn't contain the Automation
object 'TEST."
For the following function:
If Me.txtPassword = DLookup
("[Password]", "tblUsers", "[UserID]=" & Me.cboUserID) Then
strCommercialID = Me.cboCommercialID
All fields are text. I think I am missing single quotes
somewhere but can't quite figure out where and how.