I'm getting a data mismatch error on the code below. I think it has something
to do with the date but not sure. I've checked the table and form and
everything is text excep the date fields are are both short date. Can anyone
see what I've doing incorrectly (silly question)? Thanks!
If Not IsNull(DLookup("[Plant]", "dbo_uBehvHistory", "[Auditor] = '" &
Me.cbo_Auditor & "' And [DateEntered] = '" & Me.DateEntered & "' And [Area] =
'" & Me.Area & "' And [SubArea] = '" & Me.SubArea & "'")) Then
to do with the date but not sure. I've checked the table and form and
everything is text excep the date fields are are both short date. Can anyone
see what I've doing incorrectly (silly question)? Thanks!
If Not IsNull(DLookup("[Plant]", "dbo_uBehvHistory", "[Auditor] = '" &
Me.cbo_Auditor & "' And [DateEntered] = '" & Me.DateEntered & "' And [Area] =
'" & Me.Area & "' And [SubArea] = '" & Me.SubArea & "'")) Then