I am new to the forum. I hope I can resolve this.
Ok my database is for a Shrimp farm company and it handles a los o
numbers and calculations. So here it goes:
'piscina = pool = table
'peso_W_total = total_weight = field in my table
'número_de_dias = number of days = field in my table.
'Number of days always increments by 7. They gather data
' every tuesday.
Ok I have this from another post and it works great. It grabs las
weeks total_weight and subtracts it from this weeks. Which then give
me an increment.
UPDATE piscina INNER JOIN piscina AS piscina_1 O
piscina.dias=piscina_1.dias+7 SET piscina.incremento_total
However, the company has 16 pools and the problem is that this updat
will always pick up 7 days before even if the pool is 15 and not 16.
was trying to put like a where statement and make the criteri
something like this:
'número_de_piscina = pool number = field in my table
where piscina.número_de_piscina
So, I was just thinking that when the user inputed into the form th
pool number, lets say 16 it will only do that operation with the pool
labeled 16. However, because the user is inputing at the moment I thin
that the table is still empty and it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have the same problem with this:
=DLookUp("[peso_W_total]","piscina","[dias] ="
I want to put like a criteria AND pool number equals the one they hav
inputed. Same as above where it only picks up the value of the specifi
pool number.
Thanks ahead of time
Ok my database is for a Shrimp farm company and it handles a los o
numbers and calculations. So here it goes:
'piscina = pool = table
'peso_W_total = total_weight = field in my table
'número_de_dias = number of days = field in my table.
'Number of days always increments by 7. They gather data
' every tuesday.
Ok I have this from another post and it works great. It grabs las
weeks total_weight and subtracts it from this weeks. Which then give
me an increment.
UPDATE piscina INNER JOIN piscina AS piscina_1 O
piscina.dias=piscina_1.dias+7 SET piscina.incremento_total
However, the company has 16 pools and the problem is that this updat
will always pick up 7 days before even if the pool is 15 and not 16.
was trying to put like a where statement and make the criteri
something like this:
'número_de_piscina = pool number = field in my table
where piscina.número_de_piscina
So, I was just thinking that when the user inputed into the form th
pool number, lets say 16 it will only do that operation with the pool
labeled 16. However, because the user is inputing at the moment I thin
that the table is still empty and it doesn't work. Any ideas?
I have the same problem with this:
=DLookUp("[peso_W_total]","piscina","[dias] ="
I want to put like a criteria AND pool number equals the one they hav
inputed. Same as above where it only picks up the value of the specifi
pool number.
Thanks ahead of time