


my computers been very slow lately. i checked task
manager and it says "dllhost.exe" is using alot of cpu,
up to 99% and as low as 45%. is that normal?

Carey Frisch [MVP]

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Carey Frisch
Microsoft MVP
Windows XP Shell/User


| my computers been very slow lately. i checked task
| manager and it says "dllhost.exe" is using alot of cpu,
| up to 99% and as low as 45%. is that normal?


Hi Brad....

Just so u know, you're not alone! I've noticed the same
on my PII system. Whenever I reboot, the DLLHOST begins
to monopolized the processor just as you stated. I
noticed though, that after booting, my DSL modem activity
light blinks like mad. Once a I forcefully close the
DLLHOST.EXE process, the blinking light clams down and the
system becomes stable again. For me, this only happens
when the system is rebooted. I have installed SP1 and all
the security patches, but honestly can't say when I first
noticed the system behaving in this fashion.

So, to answer your question....NO, it is DEFINIETLY NOT

Hopefully we'll here something soon that will correct this

Dallas, TX

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