I don't know if it is normal, I have COM+ stuff and DCOM disabled.
Do you have all the XP Critical Updates?
The COM+ hosting process, Dllhost.exe.
dllhost - dllhost.exe - Process Information
Process File: dllhost or dllhost.exe
Process Name: DCOM DLL Host Process
Description: The DCOM DLL Host process supports DLL based COM objects and is
used by many Windows programs.
Company: Microsoft Corp.
System Process: Yes
Security Risk ( Virus/Trojan/Worm/Adware/Spyware ): No
Common Errors: N/A
Are COM+ Event System and COM+ System Application services enabled and running?
[On your system, see if you have any installed "COM+" Applications. If not, you
can probably disable these services with no side effects (besides the Event Log
complaining upon reboots).]
Look in C:\Program Files\ComPlus Applications
Is DCOM disabled? It should be. No internet applications use or require DCOM.