Hi everyone, I am running XP proSP2 on a dell 1501 laptop. I keep getting
this error when i start the computer and the desktop loads.. " Error in
C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\dlcftime.dll missing entry: run
dll entry " . Has any one got any idea?? It only just started to happen, i do
download torrent stuff and thought it could be a virus but everything is
working ok and the cpu is not slowing up atall. I have Norton internet
security 2007 and a scan cannot find anything. ? thanks, Matt 320
this error when i start the computer and the desktop loads.. " Error in
C:\windows\system32\spool\drivers\w32x86\3\dlcftime.dll missing entry: run
dll entry " . Has any one got any idea?? It only just started to happen, i do
download torrent stuff and thought it could be a virus but everything is
working ok and the cpu is not slowing up atall. I have Norton internet
security 2007 and a scan cannot find anything. ? thanks, Matt 320