I tried to open Windows Media Player 11 (on Vista Home Premium, to be
exact,) and got a baffling error message telling me that (verbatim): "The
procedure entry point [programming language stuff here, it's indecipherable]
could not be located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll."
Now, like any good user, I got online and checked around for fixes, bug
reports, etc., and it looks like people have had this problem with other
DLLs, but not on Vista (at least not what I saw.)
I went to sys32 and checked for the aforementioned file, to find that it was
the right version (6) and not modified since I bought the computer (I
think...pretty sure that's around the date). I was expecting it to have been
modified from some program I installed or something, so this rules out just
replacing the DLL.
Any ideas what I should do?
If anyone wants to see the error message, I'll capture a screenshot and put
it on Photobucket or something.
I tried to open Windows Media Player 11 (on Vista Home Premium, to be
exact,) and got a baffling error message telling me that (verbatim): "The
procedure entry point [programming language stuff here, it's indecipherable]
could not be located in the dynamic link library ntdll.dll."
Now, like any good user, I got online and checked around for fixes, bug
reports, etc., and it looks like people have had this problem with other
DLLs, but not on Vista (at least not what I saw.)
I went to sys32 and checked for the aforementioned file, to find that it was
the right version (6) and not modified since I bought the computer (I
think...pretty sure that's around the date). I was expecting it to have been
modified from some program I installed or something, so this rules out just
replacing the DLL.
Any ideas what I should do?
If anyone wants to see the error message, I'll capture a screenshot and put
it on Photobucket or something.