
Feb 16, 2009
Reaction score
Here's summat for the DivX fans....i got it the other night but wanted to try it first.....installed and looking good so far.....it's a bit different to the last version i had but looks quite impressive....check it out and let's know what ya's think. Also its not being advertised everywhere.
You can always uninstall lol

Edit: Link removed, see post below - fbs
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This download is for readers of Computeractive magazine. Please do not post this site or this information on internet forums, or host this software elsewhere.

Instructions showing how to use this software are contained in issue 302 of Computeractive magazine.

The software concerned is DivX Pro7, which imo is worth having.

Link above deleted for two reasons.

1) It's illegal, see above quote.

2) Pointless link without full instructions, which presumably are in the magazine.
:o Sorry about that folks....didnt spot that part when reading the other night.

Good spot Flopp's. You were quite right to remove it....i'll try and be more careful in future.:o