How do I stop this from happening. I have an access 2000
database with a table storing my football conference
standings. There are non-league and overall fields. My
problem is I have a query setup to show me the results:
Win, Loss (overall); Win, Loss(conference games) and the
winning percentages for both.
My problem is, since there are a few teams that haven't
played conference games my query is getting an overflow
error. Can any help me get this to output a zero in this
percentage field. Currently I am adding up all the games
played by each team so zero divided by zero needs to be
zero instead of my error (or overflow, etc).
Here is my broken down code for that one problem field.
SELECT Sum([Std_GliacWin])/Sum([Std_GLIACgame]) AS
GLIACWinPercent, SchoolTbl.SchoolName
FROM SchoolTbl LEFT JOIN StandingsTbl ON
SchoolTbl.SchoolCode = StandingsTbl.Std_TeamID
GROUP BY SchoolTbl.SchoolName
ORDER BY Abs(Sum([Std_GliacWin])/Sum([Std_GLIACgame]))
I tried using ABS before the "Sum([" without any luck.
I hope someone can help me out.
Thanks in advance.
database with a table storing my football conference
standings. There are non-league and overall fields. My
problem is I have a query setup to show me the results:
Win, Loss (overall); Win, Loss(conference games) and the
winning percentages for both.
My problem is, since there are a few teams that haven't
played conference games my query is getting an overflow
error. Can any help me get this to output a zero in this
percentage field. Currently I am adding up all the games
played by each team so zero divided by zero needs to be
zero instead of my error (or overflow, etc).
Here is my broken down code for that one problem field.
SELECT Sum([Std_GliacWin])/Sum([Std_GLIACgame]) AS
GLIACWinPercent, SchoolTbl.SchoolName
FROM SchoolTbl LEFT JOIN StandingsTbl ON
SchoolTbl.SchoolCode = StandingsTbl.Std_TeamID
GROUP BY SchoolTbl.SchoolName
ORDER BY Abs(Sum([Std_GliacWin])/Sum([Std_GLIACgame]))
I tried using ABS before the "Sum([" without any luck.
I hope someone can help me out.
Thanks in advance.