Gord Dibben wrote...
What do want to see in the cell with the formula?
The way it is written, if C2 = 0, show 0 otherwise show the result of D2/C2
You cannot realistically divide any number by 0 so what you have written [=IF(c2=0,0,d2/c2)] is
correct in my view.
Just to add to Gord's comments....
Sometimes you have a more complicated denominator, and you want to ensure
that you are not dividing by 0. And if the denominator is 0, you prefer to
have the answer display 0 rather than #DIV/0!. To solve this issue, you can
write your formula in this manner.
=IF(ISERROR(YourFormula), 0, YourFormula)
So if YourFormula triggers #DIV/0!, a zero will be displayed. You have to
be careful with this solution though because "ISERROR" is a large bucket
that traps any error value. Sometimes it is helpful seeing the error so you
can take corrective measures.
Hope this helps.
Best regards,