Cells in column H appear as either numbers or blanks and
are derived from two other columns of numbers - actually,
though I don't think it matters,like this (eg for H2), =IF
(E2<=5,F2,""). K10 has =AVERAGE(H2:H400) but returns the
error message #DIV/0!. I can't see why at all. And if I
overwrite the formula in one or two H cells with numbers
I do get an average rather than the error message. I'd be
very grateful if someone can tell me what's going on. In
anticipation of being shown up as pretty dumb,
are derived from two other columns of numbers - actually,
though I don't think it matters,like this (eg for H2), =IF
(E2<=5,F2,""). K10 has =AVERAGE(H2:H400) but returns the
error message #DIV/0!. I can't see why at all. And if I
overwrite the formula in one or two H cells with numbers
I do get an average rather than the error message. I'd be
very grateful if someone can tell me what's going on. In
anticipation of being shown up as pretty dumb,