Distribution of reporter cells according to a specified column

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I have a serie of experiments. the results from the different experiments are
presented in a culumn with x number of cells with numbers (each number
represent a gene). To get an overview of what experiments give similar
results I want the cells in the result column to be distributed according to
another colomn which contain all genes/numbers involved.
At present I make this distribution of cells more or less manually.
Unfortunately I have lots of data and it take lots of time, it is easy to
make misstakes, and it is very hard and exhaustive work.
Is there a way to use an excel-function for this? I have not been able to
solve this myself.

Bit sparse on detail mate :-)).

Can you give an example of the data, what cells it is in, and what results
that you expect?



(remove nothere from the email address if mailing direct)
Ok, A very simplified example. I have a number of subjects that are assigned
a number. One subject/cell in a column. Lets say I have five: 1002, 1220,
2634, 2838, and 89645. When I do an experiment I may get an output in a
column with the following subjects 2634, 1002 and 89645. In another
experiment I may get: 1002, 2634 and yet another I may get 2634, 1220, 89645,
and 2838. The output is rarely in sequential order (but thats a minor

Now I want to organize this output according to the column containing all
five subjects. Thus, if an experiment does not contain all five subjects I
want to have a blank cell in that row in this colomn. Each row should only
contain the same subjects on the work sheet. To obtain this I want to
distribute my subjects in a column according to another specified column. Can
I do that?

An even better function would be if I could order the experiments in
relation to each other without having a reference, but I expect this to
require more work to do. And the above solution would be sufficient for me to