-----Original Message-----
I have about 50 global distribution groups and I need to
create the same security groups (with different name) with
the same members.
I dont want to do it manually, and wondering if there is
any way to do that faster.
Thanks for any help-Rob
I am like you in that I like to have non mail-enabled
Security Groups and then mail-enabled Distribution Groups.
Take a look at LDIFDE. It can do what you need really
nicely with a little massaging.
Just a hint: I normally create any sort of group with
a "prefix_". So, if I am creating a Local Security Group
for a shared folder called "Software" then I would name
the Local Security Group "LSG_Software". If I were
creating a Global Security Group for the Accounting
Department then I would call that
group "GSG_Accounting". If I were creating a Universal
Security Group for the entire company "NKD Solutions"
then I would call it "USG_NKDSolutions". For the
Distribution Groups I do the same thing only the prefix
is "GDG_" and "UDG_". Also, I change the alias to simply
the name ( in essence, remove the "GDG_" ) and I change
the display name ( by replacing the "GSG_" with either an
# or an _ ). This way all of the Distribution Groups
appear at or near the top of the GAL ( when you click on
the To... in Outlook ).