sturner333 said:
So my mdb is looking for a particular mdw? If so, where do I have the
end user save the 2 files?
No. It is looking at the current user and his memberships (established when
the Access session starts) and then comparing that to what users and groups
have appropriate authorities in the MDB file. The MDB does not care what
MDW was used to obtain the user name and memberships. It only cares that
they match up with those that have permissions granted in the MDB. It just
so happens that there is normally exactly one MDW file that contains any
users or groups that the MDB recognizes.
Normally you would place the MDW in the same folder as the MDB and then
create a shortcut that opens the MDB while specifying the MDW to use. Such
a shortcut uses a target with the format...
"Full path to MSAccess.exe" /wrkgrp "Full path to MDW file" "Full path to
MDB file"
By using such a shortcut you can leave the user's *default* MDW file setting