Distribure PP presenation

  • Thread starter Thread starter TonyB
  • Start date Start date


We have a requirement coming up to distribute a powerpoint presentation
simultaneously to around 50 wireless clients. The presentation will be
controlled by the speakers, but I need the clients to be able to be able to
view the slides (not interact), and for client viewer to react to speaker
control (i.e. slide backward/forward).

The clients will be on a 54Mb wireless link, and the central PC will be on a
100Mb wired ethernet link.

I've looked at 'mppt' to multicast the presentation, but that tool is work
in progress, hasn't been updated in 4 years, and is not very reliable. We've
investigated VNC and this looks possible (vncviewer/vncserver) but looks
like it has a 10 viewer limit, and also have investigated Windows Media
Server, but I wondered if there is a recommended (best practise) way for
doing this?

Can anyone help?
Take a look at teamslide ... it might be what you are looking for to do
remote-controlled presentations (in this case "web presentations" as it
runs entirely in the web browsers):
