distorted sound apparently fr hard drive



I have windows XP SP2 but I can't get sound without major distortion during
streaming OR when playing a CD ORplaying from previously loaded CD's. I
checked the sound drivers which are reported to be working properly. Can you
help me with easy to understand language? could a family member playing
computer games contribute to this problem?


I have windows XP SP2 but I can't get sound without major distortion during
streaming OR when playing a CD ORplaying from previously loaded CD's.  I
checked the sound drivers which are reported to be working properly.  Can you
help me with easy to understand language? could a family member playing
computer games contribute to this problem?

Streaming audio distortion can be cause by slow Internet connections
and slow hard drive reads. Streaming audio is normally downloaded to
a local hard drive (temporary folder) and then played. Sometimes by
defragmenting your hard drive can help.


What about the other half of the question? I have the same problem in that
audio stored on my pc or played from the cd-rom is distorted like a vinyl
record jumping. Any clues anyone?


Here is a bigger problem: I just de-fragmented my drive. And distortion that
never was before started right after that. It's not only the sound, mouse
movement is distorted to, and generally everything has slowed down... very
frustrating. Looked at the graphs in Task Manager and CPU usage is going
crazy: volatile, up and down with a very high amplitude - not always, but
just coincides with the visual and sound distortions.

Well, I also installed an external HD. There is no page file portion located
on it. However I copied some images and text and macromedia files to it.
Can't tell empirically when has the distortion started: added the drive and
defragmented the main drive simultaneously.

However my money is still on defragmentation: some files couldn't be
defragmented, maybe that is the problem.

I'd appreciate any ideas on this. The thing drives me crazy. Intended better
and ended up not just with the same shit but with an enormous shit. My Aspire
5630 just isn't supposed to perform like this!

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