Distinguishing between Save and SaveAs in PowerPoint


Andrei Smolin

Good day, everybody

I am implementing a COM Addin (in VB6) that should work with a whole bunch
of Office applications. The addin should do some things depending on the
location where the document is being saved (it is a document library in
SharePoint). To know if the location the user saves the document to is the
location I need, I intercept the BeforeSave event and if the user clicks
SaveAs or saves a new file, I show app.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs) in
the event procedure and check the result. This is possible because, in Word
and Excel, the BeforeSave event provides the SaveAsUI parameter that allows
you to know if FileSave dialog should be shown or not.

But neither PresentationBeforeSave nor PresentationSave doesn't provide the
SaveAsUI parameter. And now I ask: how can I distinguish between Save'ing
and SaveAs'ing in PowerPoint? Should I intercept clicking on menu items or
maybe there is a more direct way?

Andrei Smolin

Shyam Pillai

And now I ask: how can I distinguish between Save'ing
and SaveAs'ing in PowerPoint?
Simply put - there is no way to detect this in PowerPoint.
You can set the OnAction propery for 'Save/Save as...' to run a custom
subroutine. You will also have to trap Ctrl+S keyboard shortcut.

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