D Reilly
In Ireland phone nuymbers usually start with 0857103245 or 0909627457 i.e.
prefix is a 0.
I'm trying to design a form which requests contact information to be entered
into a database and one of the items is contact number. It must start with a
0 but when the number is types in and I move to the next field the 0 is lost
displaying only 857103245 or 909627457. It's probably a simple fix but I
can't get it in the help section.
In Ireland phone nuymbers usually start with 0857103245 or 0909627457 i.e.
prefix is a 0.
I'm trying to design a form which requests contact information to be entered
into a database and one of the items is contact number. It must start with a
0 but when the number is types in and I move to the next field the 0 is lost
displaying only 857103245 or 909627457. It's probably a simple fix but I
can't get it in the help section.