Displaying Web Page in Outlook doesn't work

  • Thread starter Thread starter Mogley
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I just followed the instructions on Article 294865
regarding displaying a Web Page in an Outlook Form.

When I click on "Run this Form" the Web page displays
when I click on the command button, however, when I send
it to myself, the code no longer works???? When I click
on the command button, nothing happens.

What am I doing wrong?
If the form no longer runs code after you have sent or saved it, you probably have done something to "one-off" the form. Outlook 2002, Outlook 2000 SP2 and Outlook 2000 or 98 with the Email Security Update will not run code on one-off forms; see http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/esecup.htm#formsec for more information.

To ensure that a form does not one-off:

-- Make sure the "Send form definition with item" box on the (Properties) tab of the form is *not* checked. [1]

-- For in-house corporate use with Exchange Server, publish the form to the Organization Forms library or a public folder's forms library, as appropriate for your application.

-- For collaboration via the Internet, publish your form to your Personal Forms library. Save it as an .oft file and send it to other people who need to use it with instructions to publish it with the same form name that you used.

Many other things can cause one-off forms. If the above steps don't work on a new item created with your form, see http://www.slipstick.com/dev/formpub.htm#oneoff for other possible causes.

[1] Whenever you publish a message form, Outlook will suggest that you may want to check the "Send form definition with item" box to ensure that the recipient will have the form, especially if you're sending to someone via the Internet. In the current Outlook security environment, this suggestion is obsolete. Ignore it.

Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Outlook and Exchange solutions at http://www.slipstick.com
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming: Jumpstart
for Administrators, Power Users, and Developers
Ok, then I guess what I'm trying to do won't work this

I'm trying to set up a form that would allow me to send
an ASP form page (a survey that is published to our
intranet) in an e-mail so that the end user doesn't need
to click on a hyperlink to fill out the survey.

I had tried an I-frame in an HTML formated e-mail, but
that caused problems with the fact that the included page
was not recognized on everyone's workstation. Therefore
some people ended up gettting what seemed to be blank e-

I thought this would be a way that everyone would see the

Any ideas on how I might be able to include a web page in
an e-mail so that ALL users can fill in the survey
without having to leave their outlook inbox?

Please help..


-----Original Message-----
If the form no longer runs code after you have sent or
saved it, you probably have done something to "one-off"
the form. Outlook 2002, Outlook 2000 SP2 and Outlook 2000
or 98 with the Email Security Update will not run code on
one-off forms; see
http://www.slipstick.com/outlook/esecup.htm#formsec for
more information.
To ensure that a form does not one-off:

-- Make sure the "Send form definition with item" box on
the (Properties) tab of the form is *not* checked. [1]
-- For in-house corporate use with Exchange Server,
publish the form to the Organization Forms library or a
public folder's forms library, as appropriate for your
-- For collaboration via the Internet, publish your form
to your Personal Forms library. Save it as an .oft file
and send it to other people who need to use it with
instructions to publish it with the same form name that
you used.
Many other things can cause one-off forms. If the above
steps don't work on a new item created with your form,
see http://www.slipstick.com/dev/formpub.htm#oneoff for
other possible causes.
[1] Whenever you publish a message form, Outlook will
suggest that you may want to check the "Send form
definition with item" box to ensure that the recipient
will have the form, especially if you're sending to
someone via the Internet. In the current Outlook security
environment, this suggestion is obsolete. Ignore it.