I would like to control which lines are displayed on screen.
For example:- when user gets down to line 35 I would like to display form
line 20 onwards. When user gets to line 55 display from line 45 onwards.
I can get the screen to move by using:-
If Target.Row = 35 Then
Worksheets("Expense Sheet").Activate
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 20
End If
However when the user moves to line 36 the screen reverts back to displaying
from row 1 onwards.
If I test for Target.Row > 34 the screen blinks /flashed every time this
partt of the macro runs.
How do I get the screen to display from row 20 and stay like that until
another ScrollRow tells it to display from row 45 onwards . . . . and so on?
I would like to control which lines are displayed on screen.
For example:- when user gets down to line 35 I would like to display form
line 20 onwards. When user gets to line 55 display from line 45 onwards.
I can get the screen to move by using:-
If Target.Row = 35 Then
Worksheets("Expense Sheet").Activate
ActiveWindow.ScrollRow = 20
End If
However when the user moves to line 36 the screen reverts back to displaying
from row 1 onwards.
If I test for Target.Row > 34 the screen blinks /flashed every time this
partt of the macro runs.
How do I get the screen to display from row 20 and stay like that until
another ScrollRow tells it to display from row 45 onwards . . . . and so on?