Displaying Query results in a form

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joseph Atie
  • Start date Start date

Joseph Atie

Currently I have a form that allows you to enter a group
data and re(run) a query. This then brings up the results
in a table. Is there anyway to get the (single value from
a single field) data to display in the form??? I tried
using a requery on the form control, but this still shows

(n.b the requery was done with a macro, i.e change foucus
to form, requery form control, close query window, view
results in form window, this macro is then attached to
the button that opens/runs the query in question

Should this be possible??? or if not is there another way
to do this???

still on the above topic, just more info

what im trying to do is set the control source for a text
box to =[DrawIssDate]![Recieved Date]

where DrawIssDate is a query, is this possible???

If so any suggestions why i get #name? instead of the
required value???

still on the above topic, just more info

what im trying to do is set the control source for a text
box to =[DrawIssDate]![Recieved Date]

where DrawIssDate is a query, is this possible???

If so any suggestions why i get #name? instead of the
required value???

Because that's not a recognizable syntax. You can't just refer to a
query name.

Suggestion: use

=DLookUp("[Received Date]", "[DrawIssDate]", <optional criteria>)