If you are collecting the from and to dates by means of input boxes at
rubntime (criteria like [Enter start date] etc), then you need to
include those criteria in the query parameters; while in query design
view, go Query > Parameters in the menu, add the exact same expressions
as they appear in the criterion, e.g. [Enter start date] and [Enter end
date] and select the date/type value next to them; save the query.
Unless there is a typing mistake, you should only be asked once for each
again. Now, in your report design, you can use =[Enter start date] as a
textbox's control source.
If, on the other hand, the query is picking up the dates from a form
(which is how I prefer to do it, it looks much more professional), like:
= Forms!MyForm!StartDate And <= Forms!MyForm!EndDate
then you can use the same references in the the report textbox's control
source, i.e. =Forms!MyForm!StartDate etc.
I strongly suggest you explore this route, as it bears additional
merits, like:
* you can add a command button on the same form, to open the report;
this gives an even more prof. look to your app
* you can add some simple code behind the button, to validate the
entered dates (From <= To)
* you can use Calendar controls instead of having the user type in dates