Displaying more than 1 clip in collections pane

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First Time Frank

I'm sorry I was not very descriptive yesterday

I can have one clip only displaying in the collections
pane. I can not get a list of more than one at a time to
add to the storyboard.

When I try to add another clip to the collections pane
the first one goes away. It doesn't matter if it is
thumbnail or list.

Thanks for the help.
-----Original Message-----
The monitor shows you one clip at a time when you preview them in the
collection pane. When you put some of them on the project timeline or
storyboard and preview the project, it'll play the clips in sequence like a
movie plays.

Or are you looking to view the clips in the collection pane as a set of
thumbnails instead of a list. If that's the case, right- click the white
space in the pane and change the option from Details to Thumbnails.

Maybe you mean that each imported video clip automatically goes into a newly
created collection. If you want a number of those video clips to be in the
same collection, you have to drag and drop them the collections they are in
to the one you want.

I guess my termonology is really messed up here - I can
see a large set of collections on the left pane - but
when I try to drag more than one of them into the center
pane - "I guess this is the contents pane " then one I
drag and drop replaces the one that is already in the
center "contents" pane - It is in the this center pane
that I can not see more than one video clip -

Thanks for your help

-----Original Message-----
Maybe you mean that each imported video clip
automatically goes into a newly
Hi there,

See the previous news thread of the 29th October titled "Creating
I have exactly the same problem Frank.

I appears that you can't display more than one video
thumbnail at the time, since as soon as you click on a
video file in the collections list, it replaces the
original thumbnail in the centre pane. This makes it very
tedious to assemble a video sequence from more than a few
seperate clips.

If you go to Help>Help topics>WMM>Using WMM>Understanding
the interface>About the panes>About the collections
pane, you will actually see three thumbnails displayed
all at once, but you will notice that there are no video
clips shown. There is no problem when using still images.

However there is a way to display more than one video
thumbnail, and that is to copy and paste the displayed
thumbnail back into the Contents pane. Not much use

If you also go to Help>>>About the Contents Pane, it says
that this displays "a small image of the selected
clips" I think this was meant to read 'clip'.

Also, only videos are shown as files in the 'Collections'
list, not the still images. You will need to click on a
folder icon in order to see if contains any still images,
and these will then all appear, together with a maximum
of one video thumbnail, in the Contents pane.

I wonder why the program was called 'Movie Maker' ?