Displaying images in form

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I created a form where an image is displayed based on the path stored in a table. I would like the same image to appear in two areas of the form. How do I get the second image to appear.

Thanks for any assistance you can provide.
Hi Russ

Presumably you have some code in (probably) your Form_Current procedure that
looks like this:

Me.[ImageControlName].Picture = Me.[FilePathFieldName]

Just add another line for the other image control:

Me.[OtherImageControlName].Picture = Me.[FilePathFieldName]

Good Luck!

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Russ Mc said:
I created a form where an image is displayed based on the path stored in a
table. I would like the same image to appear in two areas of the form. How
do I get the second image to appear.