Displaying Entire Page at once

  • Thread starter Thread starter MRW
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I've noticed that some of my pages take a little while to load. So,
the page loads from left to right as it comes 'online'. Is there a way
of delaying the display until the entire page is ready?

Thanks for any help!
That's more a function of the browser. The browser decides how much, or
none, of the page to show. Most of the modern browsers are designed to
reveal as much as possible. For example, some non-IE browsers render the
page in it's entirety and then wait for the images to load into
pre-generated placeholders. IE can load parts as they get streamed and often
does when applicable. This is often a good thing though as impatient people
have a habbit of hitting refresh if things don't pop up quickly enough and
this can put a strain on the server when it's making calculations to
generate the page. Technically though, the page isn't loading left to right,
it's loading as it receives nested table content. This usually appears to us
visually as left to right, but it's simply parsing the html in a
hierarchicaly top-down approach.
I'm with Mark about how the page loads (and I'd tell you not to use <table>
to layout a page and reduce markup overhead, but that's another story)

If you're in a luddite and evil mood, you can set up a script that runs as
soon as the browser gets it, that would cover the entire page in an opaque
image or box. When the page finishes loading the script would remove it, but
as I said, that's just evil (and yet, something I'd expect to see get over a
thousand downloads on HotScripts)
Strange, my first post just got through as well didn't see that so I
apologize for my double post.
