Displaying cell values in a Userform



I know how to configure a UserForm to display values from a textbox in
a specific cell:

ActiveSheet.Range("A1") = TextBox.Text

What I would like to do is the opposite. To design a macro that
displays specific cell values in the textboxes of a UserForm that pops

Any hope of that?

Thanks to all.

Daniel CHEN

The same way as

TextBox.Text = ActiveSheet.Range("A1")
TextBox.Text = Sheets("shtname").range("A1")

Best regards,
Yongjun CHEN
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I'm guessing I put that in the UserForm code module? I've tried that
there and in a seperate module and cannot make it work.

Thanks for helping.

Harald Staff

You know WHAT you want to happen, and it is mostly solved

(there may be different results from these variations:
TextBox.Text = Sheets("shtname").range("A1")
TextBox.Text = Sheets("shtname").range("A1").Text
TextBox.Text = Sheets("shtname").range("A1").Value

but you haven't told HOW and WHEN you want this to happen. These
considerations decide where to put the code.

HTH. Best wishes Harald

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