DisplayFullScreen=False not working



Hello all,
I replied to the post about Application.DisplayFullScreen=False not working,
but probably should have started a new one. The original post was located at

I am having the same trouble as this original post. I have tried the
suggestions by
JLGWhiz and Gord included in the post, but it doesn't seem to be working.
Does anyone know why DisplayFullScreen will not turn off, programmatically?

This only appears to be a problem when my macro is the only spreadsheet
open. The macro will switch in and out of Full Screen fine when another
spreadsheet is open, but not if it is the only spreadsheet open. Stepping
through the code shows that DisplayFullScreen is the only property that will
not change its value. Below is an excerpt from my BeforeClose code.

With Application
.ScreenUpdating = False
.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True
.CommandBars("Toolbar List").Enabled = True
If .DisplayFullScreen Then
.DisplayFullScreen = False
End If
.ScreenUpdating = True
End With

Any help you can provide would be appreciated. Thank you.

Peter T

At a glance your code looks fine. Try stepping through the code comparing
the 'debugged' application settings with what you see. You don't need to
disable ScreenUpdating, at least not for the snippet you posted; ensure it
is not disabled, at least until you have everything working OK.

Peter T


You also don't need this If statement.

If .DisplayFullScreen Then
.DisplayFullScreen = False
End If

Just use: .DisplayFullScreen = False

If it is True it will change to False, and if it is already false, it
will ignore the command.


I tried the If statement your referring to, because just having
..DisplayFullScreen = False wasn't working. Thanks for the tip.


Peter T,
I've removed the ScreenUpdating code so that I can watch the lines execute.
I assume the 'debugged' application settings your referring to are small
screen tips that appear with the current value of the property, right?

If this is the case, each line that does work, such as
.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Enabled = True
.CommandBars("Toolbar List").Enabled = True
show the value False before execting the line, then switch to True after the
lines execute. Unfortunately the problem line
.DisplayFullScreen = False
shows the value True both before and after executing the line. I seem to
have the same trouble with .DisplayHeadings and .DisplayFormulaBar.

Perhaps my computer is haunted... :)

Thanks for sticking in there with me.

Peter T

I assume the 'debugged' application settings your referring to are small
screen tips that appear with the current value of the property, right?

I wrote 'debugged' to mean whatever method of returning the application
properties serves you best. If you can see the Intellisence - I assume
that's what you mean by "small screen tips" - that's fine. Otherwise write
the properties to a variable, eg

b = .DisplayFullScreen
msgbox b
Debug.? b
the ? will change to Print, press ctrl-g to see the Immediate window

Another way - paste following in the Immediate window
? .DisplayFullScreen

when you get to a suitable point, say after "With Application", place the
curser after the DisplayFullScreen and hit enter, then repeat after changing
the property (again put cusor to end of line before hitting enter).


To your main question,
.DisplayFullScreen = False
shows the value True both before and after executing the line.

hmm, seems odd. Some application settings can only be changed if an
ActiveSheet is visible, but that's not the issue here.

Make a new test workbook with absolute minimum code to recreate the problem.
If you can recreate the problem describe exactly what you have done, the
entire scenario together with all code (ie the stripped down test wb code)

Peter T


I went back and read your original tag on to Giffer's post. You say you
cannot get the menu bars to reappear. My menu bar does not go away with the
FullScreen = True. I am using XL2003 on XP SP2. I have tried several
things to replicate your problem, but everything returns to normal on my
system when the commands execute. If your code was in a change event, I
could understand it resetting itself on each iteration, but I don't see how
it can happen with the WB_ Open event. Unless, maybe, and this is a stretch,
you have the open code structured so that it calls a procedure to run and do
things and the WB_Open procedure does not complete until all the other
procedures have processed. I have a couple of workbooks set up like that but
the only code in the open event is the call to the main procedure.
Everything executes and completes by the main procedure but the open event
procedure does not close until everthing else has run. So, if you execute
the FullScreen in the open event AND call a main procedure, that might be
leaving the procedure open and could be why it keeps the FullScreen up.
However, as I said, this is a stretch of the imagination and it still should
momentarily change if switched to False. So, I'll stop rambling now.

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