Display wrong after editing shared borders

  • Thread starter Thread starter bgulmom
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Can someone clue me in? I use FrontPage 2002 to create my 900+ page
website. My operating system is Win 2000.

Not every time, but often enough, when I edit the shared borders my
pages become corrupted. When I view the pages from "preview", some of
the page display multiple top borders. When this occurs, the html
codes for the text disappear, only the header codes are visable. When
I switch to "normal" view, the text is there and I am able to copy the
text and paste into a new page. Weird.

Some pages display the right border below all text. It displays on the
left hand side. When this happens I can see the html code for the
right border. All the html codes are there as well. It appears at the
bottom of the html codes just above </html>

Happily, some of the pages remain correct.

This is very frustrating. The only way I have found to correct this
issue is to manually correct the pages.

I'll glady provide links to samples of bad pages if it will help solve
this issue.

Thanks in advance for your help.
Shared borders and Include Pages are design time tools w/ the content (inside the <BODY> tags) of the Shared Border or Include page
"embedded" or included as html in your pages when you save any of the file(s) using them (or save the borders / include pages

FP converts your page(s) to a series of tables to include the Shared borders, (which are really just a special case of Include
But FP can not build those tables if either your shared border page content or main page content has illegal html or broken tag
- usually due to missing </body></html> tags, or unmatched table / cell tags (unclosed table / cell tags), or some other unclosed
html block element

If you can see them using File Preview in Browser they will publish in as part of your pages

If you can't see them using File Preview in Browser, it's because FP can not build the included content tables, so you need to
validate and correct your broken html

There are some bugs in FP2002 & in the FP2002 SE related to shared borders & include pages
so make sure you (and your host) see & apply all appropriate patches from:

For info in Service Pack 1 & 2 for FP2002 / MSO XP - see:

For the Host/Server running the FP2002 SE

For Unix server problems on the FP2002 SE see
The latest FP SE for Unix that fix the problems
(FPSE 2000 1.4 patch and an FPSE 2002 SR 1.1 patch)
are at http://www.rtr.com/fpsupport

For NT server problems on the FP2002 SE see
For FrontPage Server Extension 2002 Update - see
and security patch


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| Can someone clue me in? I use FrontPage 2002 to create my 900+ page
| website. My operating system is Win 2000.
| Not every time, but often enough, when I edit the shared borders my
| pages become corrupted. When I view the pages from "preview", some of
| the page display multiple top borders. When this occurs, the html
| codes for the text disappear, only the header codes are visable. When
| I switch to "normal" view, the text is there and I am able to copy the
| text and paste into a new page. Weird.
| Some pages display the right border below all text. It displays on the
| left hand side. When this happens I can see the html code for the
| right border. All the html codes are there as well. It appears at the
| bottom of the html codes just above </html>
| Happily, some of the pages remain correct.
| This is very frustrating. The only way I have found to correct this
| issue is to manually correct the pages.
| I'll glady provide links to samples of bad pages if it will help solve
| this issue.
| Thanks in advance for your help.