I needed my Win XP Home product key today and didn't want to dig
through the boxes to find it. So I tried Keyfinder and Belarc and
AIDA32. All of them reported the wrong key. The key that it reported
was for Internet Explorer 6, not Windows XP Home. Just thought that
I'd post my experience and see if anyone else has noticed the same
thing. For that matter, are there any other free tools that return
the correct product key?
through the boxes to find it. So I tried Keyfinder and Belarc and
AIDA32. All of them reported the wrong key. The key that it reported
was for Internet Explorer 6, not Windows XP Home. Just thought that
I'd post my experience and see if anyone else has noticed the same
thing. For that matter, are there any other free tools that return
the correct product key?