Just one interesting correction note:
it is very well in the rtm build, too. it will show up
Windows Vista (TM)
Evaluation Copy.Build 6000
if one enters a RC1/2 Key and succesfully activates it that way.
(thousands of folks know that this is possible , I know its "unofficially"
and "doubtful method" but regardless it does the activation at all and will
result in a timebombed Trial OS - I doubt this is real piracy and Microsoft
is not blocking the Keys, so they silently let it happen)
However the legal situation of such activated rtm builds may be - But
interestingly the user32.dll.mui has the "Evaluation Copy" tag built in, so
a Trial is in planning, for no other reason that tag would be in there
( because the File-swapping trick method mentioned above does not contain or
modify the desktop-strings - the Key alone triggers "Eval-Mode" - and that
what I think is planned - to roll out rtm-eval-keys to trigger that event -
, and the files from 5728 do nothing more magic than let vista accept the
betakeys by fooling the activation servers to think it is not the rtm but a
RC2 Build. Like I said - )
official trial-keys for rtm will do exactly the same, trigger timebomb-mode
(maybe a shorter timeframe than this actual "workaround", and display the
user32.dll.mui tag to "brand" the OS as a "no-sell-no-support" copy.
As well included strings are such as "This Copy of Windows is not genuine"
(never saw this displayed until now on any desktop) / "Safe Mode" / "For
Testing Only" ( also haven't seen this in Action ) and other technical tags
that will show up depending on what has happenned to your OS or whatever SPP
thinks it has to display then..
Also one finds "Vista" togethet with "Server 2008" tags in the same said
I think its being used on multiple isos for multiple purposes that all have
to dea with "branding".