Display -vs- Print Format in Cells

  • Thread starter Thread starter Willie
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Is is possible to apply different display and print
formating criteria to a cell, range of cells or an entire
worksheet? For example, when viewing cells, I like to use
a full range of colors, but colors don't always print well
on a b&w printer. I would like to print WITHOUT colors.

I can always manually disable the colors in cells right
before printing, but having to do that is annoying.

Most printers have a "Monochrome" or "Black and White" option somewhere in
their setup menus.......might this do it for you?

Or, you could always mirror your sheet to another sheet and remove all color
from that one and then use it to print out your hard copies.
I've done this before and it worked quite well, set up with recorded macros
to print either the color or the black and white version.....of course this
limits Conditional Formatting, if you're using it..........

Vaya con Dios,
Chuck, CABGx3

File>Page Setup>Sheet. Check in "black and white" should work for you.

Maybe also check "draft quality"(shot-gunning here).

Gord Dibben Excel MVP