Hi (what is your name?)
if you are in the code behind the subform:
"EstimateNo =' & me.txtEstimateNo & "' and ItemNo='" & me.txtItemNo & "'"
Warm Regards,
Access Basics
8-part free tutorial that covers essentials in Access

have an awesome day

Microsoft wrote:
the control names on the form are txtEstimateNo and txtItemNo and they
are both Text
Thanks for your help
you're welcome
are EstimateNo and ItemNo your fieldnames? what is the data type of
Warm Regards,
Access Basics
8-part free tutorial that covers essentials in Access

have an awesome day

Microsoft wrote:
Thanks - I'm not sure on the condition part of this. Please clarify
I want it to sum where:
EstimateNo = subform.EstimateNo and ItemNo = subform.ItemNo
How would I write this?
Thanks again
one way would be to use a dSum equation in a textbox (this way, your
ItemForm does not have to be open)
make a textbox control
Name --> SumItems
ControlSource --> =nz(dSum("[fieldname]", "[Tablename]",
fieldname is the name of the field (or the expression) to add
Tablename is the name of the table containing the field
condition is the string with the condition for which to add the
ie: "ItemID=" & [ItemID]
where ItemID is the fieldname in Tablename
[ItemID] is the controlname on the current form to match the value of
nz is Null-to-Zero, so zero is returned in the event that condition
is not found
Warm Regards,
Access Basics
8-part free tutorial that covers essentials in Access

have an awesome day

Microsoft wrote:
Access 2007
I have a MainForm that includes a SubForm. I can enter values into
the SubForm.
On the SubForm (continuous form) there is a button that opens up
another form (ItemForm - not a subform) to enter details of records
that relate to the items on the subform.
Is it possible that the sum(values) of the ItemForm can be displayed
on the SubForm records?
If so how?