Display Text on form

  • Thread starter Thread starter m mccoy
  • Start date Start date

m mccoy

I have a multi page form that has a Yes/No field on one of the pages. I
would like the first page of the form to display the word ACTIVE if the
check box is checked for the Yes/No field on the other page. Is there a way
I can do that?

Many thanks for any help.
Various ways. For example, put a textbox named txtStatus on the first page.
Assume the checkbox is called chkStatus. Put the following UNTESTED code in
your form:

private sub form_load()
end sub

private sub chkStatus_AfterUpdate()
end sub

private sub UpdateStatus()
me![txtStatus] = iif (me![chkStatus], "WARNING", null)
end sub


I noticed that the issue was posted in this groups
microsoft.public.access.forms twice. I have added a reply to you at the
oldest one.

If you have follow up questions, please post there and I will work with
you. Thanks.


Michael Shao
Microsoft Online Partner Support
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